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Help Us Promote Body Integrity

We are a group of intactivists working to protect the basic human rights of baby boys and the men they will become. Circumcision is unnecessary trauma and permanent damage to sexual function. We hope to raise awareness of these tragically overlooked issues by sharing personal stories.

Whether you still have your foreskin or it was taken from you, we want to hear how you feel about it. We welcome stories from family and friends as well, positive or negative. Are you a sexual partner with something to say? A parent who is proud of protecting your son from the knife? A health worker at a facility that promotes circumcision for profit? Whatever your tale, please write to us in the form below or send email to:

By default, certain identifying information will be removed or changed before we publish your story. Please scroll down to learn more about this project.



We will ALWAYS change any names provided and make reasonable efforts to generalize other potentially identifying information before sharing your story. Please be specific if it's okay for us to publish details such as your exact age and state/country of residence.

By participating, you give us permission to publish your submission (after anonymizing it as described above) anywhere and everywhere for the sole purpose of raising awareness about non-consensual, non-therapeutic genital cutting. If your story is published in any format that generates profit, such as a book, then all of that profit will be utilized toward accomplishing that same mission. Our promise to you is that we will only retain any contact information you might include by transferring it to a paper file within our private office -- completely analog, completely offline. Any and all digital record of your identity will be permanently deleted, unless you specify otherwise. Even sharing your email address with us is completely optional, as the submission form does not track visitor information.

Example true stories can be found by clicking here. Thank you for reading!

Thanks for submitting!



Stories are one of the most powerful elements of human culture. People argue about lots of things but no one can dispute a genuine account of someone's personal experience.

By sharing your story, you will help us demonstrate how forcible circumcision is robbing millions of males of their birthright to full sexual expression. We hope to compile these accounts for use in raising awareness across all types of media, to push for doctors and hospitals to first do no harm, and to inspire legislation that will educate new parents and prohibit genital cutting without appropriate consent.

Eventually there will be laws to protect boys from ritual mutilation just as there are already laws protecting girls from the same. It's inevitable. We are fighting to make that happen much sooner rather than later.

For more information, this article is a good place to start. A couple of our favorite advocacy sites are Intact America and Your Whole Baby. If you are an Amazon Prime member, please also check out the important documentary American Circumcision.

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